We all pay homage to the beauty, don’t we?
Bow down to the expression of its superiority,
But in midst of all of this,
Don’t we miss the very essence of real?
Real can be ugly, but so be it,
Can’t change form to fit in the definition,
Definition of beauty that’s constantly nagging in our minds;
Which is set by each individually yet so similar?
Isn’t the world united in all different forms?
Then why we only pick up the pretty?
Why we neglect others just in a jiggy?
Why does only the helpless unattractive has to suffer?
On the name of aesthetics we sacrifice,
Yes we do sacrifice the nice,
Nice which can never sustain coz
It just not fits into the parameters,
Parameters of pretty, chic, happenening,
Terms may differ but in all hypocrisy lies.
amazing words